05 December 2008

the man of my dreams.

it's amazing what marriage does. My mom made the comment a few days back that me and my sister both just look different since we got married. Like we're content and settled. and I owe this contentment to this guy:

this is a picture of Robert from my 22nd birthday, we had been together only a little over 2 months. Its fun to look back at that time and now really realize that he is officially forever mine. Back then it was just a "i know someday." but now it's i KNOW.

ok this post is way shmoopy. But i just love him. Happy almost 3 week-a-versary Roberto.

a few more for your enjoyment (or mine):

We were talking last night about us in high school, and if we had been in high school together if we would've liked each other. and we decided i would secretly like Robert because he was a good guy who didn't like any girls, therefore i would want him badly. But me, being the punk-rock princess i was would not openly like him but continue to date the losers i did. This made me realize how lucky i am to have gained the testimony i have to follow the straight and narrow so that Robert and i could be together. and now i can continue to grow into the woman he deserves. for this i am grateful.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

i want to see you! we'll be everywhere. we really want to go to disneyland one day