So let me enlighten you on our little bit of heaven here called
As I type this there are approximately 7 children ages 2-6 playing outside right now. But would I trade it for a more subdued quiet part of the complex? Never.
The other evening I was talking with some friends/neighbors about living somewhere else, one of us made the comment of "I don't know how anybody who is a stay at home mom with small children lives anywhere else, it must be awful and lonely."
The reason we think this is for one of these many reasons:
- Bored out of your mind and want to avoid housework in some other way than turning on the TV? Then walk next door and see what one of your neighbors are up to.
- Your 10 month baby wakes up in a really grumpy mood and she is bored to tears with you (literally)? walk outside and 1 of 4 baby-loving little girls will be glad to give her tickles and kisses.
- Need a pool buddy? I'm sure you can convince someone to go with you.
- Need to run to a doctor appt? Just see if one of your neighbors is ok with watching your baby for an hour or so. What better way to have someone watch her than them being right next door.
EmmaJane playing with her BFFs |
Anyways, you get the point. We love it here, despite the fact that these buildings were built about a million years ago and aren't much improved since, they are spacious and work just fine.
Being a stay-at-home mom here has especially been wonderful, now with my 10-month old I can see how moms can suffer from lack of socialization. Luckily this is something I've never had to worry too much about. But now that we're all spoiled the next task is to all by houses next door to each other! Maybe someday, for now we're happy in our own little Provo in California.
A favorite phrase of ours is "it takes a village" because around here it's pretty true.