16 February 2009

a week of love.

So Valentine's day this year was by far my favorite. I mean, don't get me wrong it would've been better if it would've been minus a cold and plus some iced heart-shaped sugar cookies...but, well, it did ok.

Last week Robert and I did our early v-day/christmas present and braved the rain (speaking of which, why won't it go away??) in Hollywood to see Phantom of the Opera!

The show was really a blast from my past because my mother absolutely loves this show, so it was one of the many soundtracks to our Saturday morning chores...it was really amazing. The rain made us spend too much money to ride the metro 6 blocks...but I was in heels and that walk was not looking fun. The metro was also a blast from the past...but it was wonderful making new memories on it.

Fast forward to one week later and it was real Valentine's day...it really was a perfect day. It started out with going to the gym together-which i love because it's more fun that way. Then, after my shower, Robert was gone! Silly sneaky snuck off to get me and my mom flowers and lots of other goodies-including a maple-old fashioned donut from "O those donuts" which I wish I had right now...Then rushing around and cleaning because my mom was on her way (i also loved this because I like a clean house)! We went for an afternoon session at the Newport temple-it was my first time there and it is SO beautiful, my new favorite place in Orange County for sure.

Then it was to Balboa for some expensive 18year aged balsamic vinegar (I've never looked so forward to having a salad at my mom's house before), old-fashioned taffy and giant now-and-laters (my personal fav)...oh and don't forget gawking at all the beautiful homes and ultimately getting depressed on our lack of funds.

Chili's brought ribs, chips and white chocolate molten cake...the best combonation ever. A couple bitter games of Blokus later, it was time to call it a night.

And now i sit on my day off avoiding going outside. The rain, the wind whipping through the pine trees, it's so daunting! I haven't even made it to the gym yet...but like that's really saying anything. I hope everyone enjoyed their day of love.

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