July is passing quite quickly I must say...here's how we've been loving it:
The next day we headed to Palm Springs. This is the first picture I snapped on our trip, we were walking from a parking structure to a movie theatre (to see Harry Plopper of course) and within 30 seconds we wanted to die, it was SO hot. This is Robert trying to act like he's having a good time, but really just wants to go sit in the hotel room all day - and we did.
We loved our hotel...it was smaller than what we had anticipated, but it was perfect. It was decorated in a modern-Spanish colonial style. This is the floor in the lobby area, I had to document it for my future patio and/or sundeck someday.
This is the door to our room, isn't it just gorgeous? The details in this place were killing me.
The floor in our bathroom - it was concrete with ceramic tiles laid into the ground, again it killed me.
My favorite part of the whole bathroom, the toilet paper holder. Ok but really look at it, it was SO beautiful. I want one.
Other than me obsessing over the architecture, etc. we did some night swimming - the only time of day it was sane to be outside for more than 10 minutes.
did some laying out - if you can call it that at 10 at night.
I just liked this one of Robert, NOT of me.
Lost on the way to IHOP, dang one-way streets.
The remnants of the BEST fried ice cream I've ever eaten, Robert thought I was crazy for "mmming and yummming" while we ate it. Guess it hit the spot.
All in all, Palm Springs treated us very well. We were sad to see it go, but glad to be back in weather that is under 85 everyday. I love you Newport Beach, I really do.
Also, not documented (for obvious reasons) was Knott's Soak City, it was nice to be wet all day in that heat, even though as we left we were completely dry by the time we go to the car.
And the question we kept asking ourselves "WHY would anyone live here permanently?" We understand the Winter/Spring houses but honestly...those people are nuts.
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